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Sunday, May 11th 2014

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PG Porn: Helpful Bus - Uncensored!

It's not Bang Bus, it's Helpful Bus! My favorite bit was offering a lift to the guy about to get into his car.

Sunday, November 14th 2010

favorites 16

Coppin' A Feel (Music Video)

You may remember the song from the Go Topless Day protest from a couple of months ago. Well here's the official music video with plenty of coppings. You can get the mp3 here.

Friday, January 4th 2013

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What a Nice Necklace.. Oh.

I can't understand what she's saying but it looks like she does a great job keeping a straight face while everyone else loses it.

Sunday, April 6th 2014

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New Spray On Yoga Pants!

Apparently yoga pants aren't quite tight enough for Jimmy Kimmel so he has come up with something more revealing - spray on pants!

Friday, October 23rd 2009

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Stripper's Shoe Hits Spectator

More original footage from wayne77, this time capturing the moment when a stripper kicks her shoe off right into the forehead of a spectator. Looks like he got hit heel first!

Wednesday, February 23rd 2011

S&F at the Playboy Super Bowl Party

Busty brunette Tessie Tarrentino sends some love to us from the Playboy Super Bowl party in Dallas!

Thursday, July 8th 2010

favorites 12

Twilight For Guys!

Move over ladies - there's a new Twilight Saga in town - and this one is definitely for the guys!

Thursday, February 13th 2014

favorites 4

Norwegian Olympic Ad Raises Eyebrows

You probably won't expect the ending so I'm not going to say too much so I don't spoil it for you.

Wednesday, June 26th 2013

Awesome Sexy and Funny Vodka Ad

Hee hee, what a great ad for vodka. I was going to keep the description short to avoid giving it away but I think the tags will do a fine job of that anyway..

Tuesday, July 30th 2013

favorites 7

Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Explained With Food

Oh crap. I will never look at Nutella the same way again. Edit: 'crap' was a bad word to use.

Tuesday, December 21st 2010

favorites 9

'I Just Had Sex' Music Video

The SNL guys are back doing what they do best, making catchy music videos. Featuring Akon, Jessica Alba and a few other surprises!

Sunday, January 25th 2015

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Eurfat Visits a Fleshlight Factory and Tries Out 'her' Vagina

When those two guys were commenting on and playing with a replica of her vagina that wasn't awkward or cringworthy at all..

Monday, July 6th 2015

Aussie's Commentary on Hot Mexican Weather Girl's Reporting

We posted a video of her recently (here) and since then she has continued to garner fame all over the world including in Australia!

Friday, June 27th 2014

favorites 3

Sexy Pool Trick Shots

We skipped the video to the point where it really gets interesting. Not shown: the girl he practiced on to get so good. She is less sexy and a lot more bruised. :P

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