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Friday, September 21st 2007

Registered Users Aren't Losers..

I've just made a change to how the comments are displayed. From now on comments made by registered users appear at the top. Also the site now remembers your login, so if you haven't yet, register now!

Friday, October 5th 2007

The Grass Sandwich

Funny joke but honestly who calls having sex the grass sandwich?

Tuesday, October 9th 2007

Use Of 'N-Word' During a Porno

'Cum Inside' star Jennica St. Foxx is receiving heavy criticism for using a racial slur in her latest film.. (spoiler warning: The Onion is a satire news site)

Wednesday, October 17th 2007

Models Fighting Matrix Style

Cool ad for the new Motorola Razr phone.

Monday, October 22nd 2007

Las Vegas Hooker

A little wrong but oh so funny.

Tuesday, October 23rd 2007

Pornstar Gets Off Fine by Getting the Officer Off

Apparently one of the mates he showed off to ratted him out, resulting in his sacking. At least he'll always be able to say he got a blowjob from a semi-attractive pornstar.

Wednesday, November 28th 2007

Funny Condom Commercial

If this ad doesn't stop you from having sex without a condom, nothing will.

Monday, November 26th 2007

In My Pocket

Moral of the story: don't trust creepy old men.

Tuesday, December 4th 2007

Funny Chewing Gum Commercial

All the way from Italy.. you gotta be quick to catch what happens at the end.

Wednesday, December 12th 2007

Man Washing Machine

Apparently this detergent does more than just make your clothes feel like new..

Wednesday, December 19th 2007

Milk Facial?

Funny ad for those little milk packets..

Monday, December 17th 2007

Oops, Wrong Window

Don't you hate it when this happens.. you're chatting away to your buddy whilst doing a bit of cybering on the side when - oh shit!

Monday, January 14th 2008

To: Erik, From: Matt

Well at least this Matt fellow is honest..

Tuesday, January 22nd 2008

Robot Mastrubator Machine

Male sex toys have certainly come a long way. Forget the fleshlight, with this baby you don't even need to do any work. Don't worry, there's no actual penis in the video..


Live Sex Show

I just watched 4 girls do all kinds of nasty stuff. The other day a girl was filming herself getting kinky in a damn library! There's always something worth watching, so check it out.